Developing The Islamic Scale Of Wisdom: Academic Version (IWS-AV)
wisdom, Islamic, scale development, positive psychology, academicAbstract
The strength of wisdom has been widely studied (Baltes & Kunzmann, 2003; Bergsma & Ardelt, 2012; Peterson & Seligman, 2004), but its understanding may differ in the Islamic religion. In fact, the concept of wisdom in Muslim communities has been widely studied in the Middle East (al-diabi, 2017; al-Silāmī, 2018; al-’Utaibī, 2017; Khaleel, 2015; Mūsā & Ḥalīm, 2014) and where the present study is based, Indonesia (Wicaksono & Meiyanto, 2003). Hence, to further deepen an understanding of this strength from an Islamic perspective, this study aimed to build an Islamic Scale of Wisdom - Academic version (IWS-AV) based on the theory of Ibn Miskawaiḥ (2011). A total of 349 Muslim students in Yogyakarta participated. Using factor analysis, our study revealed six components of IWS-AV; namely, comprehension, control, problem solving, scholastic, fast reasoning, and stability. The IWS-AV correlated with the Three Dimensional Wisdom Scale-12, Academic Dishonesty Scale, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, and Islamic Religiosity - Ethical Conduct Subscale, and showed good construct validity. The IWS-AV can be used, developed, and improved across future research in Muslim communities in both Indonesia and the Middle East.References
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